
As the demand for skilled professionals and entrepreneurs increases, Norway has become an attractive destination for individuals looking to work and establish a business. For Mexican citizens seeking to obtain citizenship through employment or business opportunities, understanding the requirements for a Norway work permit visa and business resident visa is essential. This guide provides an overview of the necessary steps and documentation needed to successfully navigate the application process.

Norway Work Permit Visa Requirements

To work in Norway, Mexican citizens must apply for a work permit visa, which allows them to live and work in the country legally. Here are the primary requirements:

  1. Job Offer: Applicants must secure a job offer from a Norwegian employer. The employer must demonstrate that they have made genuine efforts to hire a local or EU/EEA citizen before offering the position to a foreign national.

  2. Relevant Qualifications: Candidates must possess the necessary qualifications and experience relevant to the job position. This may include educational degrees, certifications, or a proven track record in the respective field.

  3. Application Form: Fill out the application form for a work permit visa accurately. The form can be submitted online through the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) website or at a Norwegian embassy or consulate.

  4. Supporting Documents: Gather and submit essential documents, including:

    • A valid passport
    • A copy of the job offer or contract
    • Proof of qualifications (degrees, diplomas)
    • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
    • Recent passport-sized photographs
    • Proof of accommodation in Norway
  5. Health Insurance: Applicants must have health insurance coverage during their stay in Norway.

  6. Application Fee: Pay the required visa application fee, which may vary based on the type of visa.

Business Resident Visa Requirements

For Mexican citizens interested in starting a business in Norway, a business resident visa is essential. Below are the key requirements:

  1. Business Plan: Applicants must submit a detailed business plan that outlines the nature of the business, market analysis, financial projections, and how the business will benefit Norway.

  2. Investment Capital: Demonstrate that you have sufficient funds to invest in the business. The amount required may vary depending on the type of business and its location in Norway.

  3. Registration: Register the business with the Norwegian Business Register (Brønnøysundregistrene) and obtain any necessary permits or licenses.

  4. Supporting Documents: Similar to the work permit visa, gather the necessary documentation, including:

    • A valid passport
    • Proof of investment capital
    • Business registration documents
    • Health insurance coverage
    • Application form
  5. Application Fee: Pay the required fee for the business resident visa application.

Pathway to Citizenship

After living and working in Norway for a specific period (typically three years with a valid work permit or business resident visa), individuals may become eligible to apply for Norwegian citizenship. Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Prove continuous residence in Norway for the required duration.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the Norwegian language and society.
  • Have no serious criminal record.
  • Fulfill tax obligations in Norway.


Obtaining a Norway work permit visa or business resident visa is a significant step toward establishing a new life in Norway. Mexican citizens are encouraged to thoroughly prepare their applications to increase their chances of success. For more information and assistance, contact us at:

Email: [email protected]

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